The Introvert’s School Survival Guide

There’s a strange divide in the people in my life of ones who have been very surprised that I’m an introvert and ones who haven’t been surprised at all. This makes sense when realizing just how many popular misconceptions about introverts there are, but it’s still a little frustrating sometimes. I remember a few years ago, when I first started getting interested in introversion dynamics, looking up information online and being bombarded with tips that really sounded a lot like “how to not be an introvert — be an extrovert instead!” This is neither A) realistic or B) desirable. Introversion (or extroversion) in and of itself is not a blessing or a curse, it’s all about figuring out what works for you and tailoring your interactions to make you feel healthiest and happiest.

Please note that all of these tips will not apply to all introverts because – surprise! – we’re a diverse group with different characteristics, values, and interests. One size does not fit all 🙂

1. Get involved with the things that interest you. A common characteristic of introverts is a desire for meaningful conversation and interactions. I dislike small talk but still want to get to know people… I would just much rather talk about philosophy than run through the same, boring 10 Q&As for every person I meet.

How does getting involved help? It’ll connect you with like-minded people that have at least some of the same interests as you. When I go to Model UN meetings, I know that I’ll be interacting with people who are interested in in-depth conversations about politics or world affairs. At the Order of the Phoenix club, we can rant about Harry Potter headcanons and debate the pros and cons of attending Hogwarts (pros: magic, cons: death seems much more imminent). There are so many clubs and teams at Glendon (and even more over at the Keele campus) that finding something you’re passionate about shouldn’t be too hard.

small talk is THE WORST!!

2. Rehearse what you’re going to say. Personally, I don’t mind (and sometimes even enjoy) public speaking and presentations. If that’s you, great! If not, that’s also totally okay. A large part of the reason I feel so comfortable doing presentations is because of how I prepare for them. When planning out a presentation, I do a very detailed, precise layout of exactly what I’m going to say. It helps me a lot to plot things out as I’m actually going to say them (slang, rhetorical questions, asides, etc. included!) so that by the time I go to present, I’m already comfortable and familiar with what’s going to happen. I don’t actually write all of it down because re-writing points just isn’t my style and doesn’t help much with my retention, but even just repeating it to myself in my head a few times before the real deal is so so helpful.

The same principle works with participation as well, as disingenuous as this may sound. Participation is meant to be spontaneous, isn’t it? In a lot of my classes (and life in general), I tend to get so focused on listening and taking in what everyone else is saying during class discussions that I forget to volunteer my own thoughts. When I’m doing a reading or listening to a presentation that will be followed by a discussion, it helps to identify a point I can bring up later, even if I don’t know exactly the direction the discussion will turn.

You know you’ve got a killer point to make

3. Opt for nights in or activities where you’re actively engaging. I love going out with my friends whether it’s to eat dessert, explore the city, or even attend a party. Sometimes though, I want to be social but not leave the comfort of residence. I’m 99% sure everyone feels like this sometimes which makes it 10x easier! I’ve done a million and one common room movie nights but you can also try board games, art nights, cooking, etc. Not only are nights in generally cheaper (#IMPORTANT), they’re also way more convenient and relaxing for me.

If you are in the mood to go out, consider an activity where you’ll be doing something instead of just sitting and talking. Especially with friends that I don’t know as well, I find it can be a bit awkward to just go straight to the dinner date, a preference that goes back to my dislike of small talk. Try doing an activity where you have something to do with your friends, like rock climbing, skating, trampolining, laser tag, bowling, etc. etc. etc. There’s a never-ending list of activities to check out in Toronto, find something that sounds fun to you!

4. Set aside some time everyday to recharge. For me, I take about half an hour (or more if I’m able to) every night before I go to sleep to recharge.after a day of social interaction. I’m involved in a lot of activities that require being around other people and while these are great, they can leave me feeling exhausted if I don’t take time afterwards to properly wind down. I can’t go straight from a social event or party to bed, I need to take at least half an hour to read a book or watch an episode of my favourite TV show by myself. Similarly, if I have a busy day planned, I’ll take lunch as a chance to get away for a bit. If you can’t physically leave and find a quiet spot, put in some headphones or pull out a book and only the rare, clueless person will keep trying to have a conversation.

Can’t you see I’m busy being by myself??

5. Take a day off and don’t feel guilty about it. Take time away from people. I’m serious. Feeling drained? Don’t go that event, tell your friends you’re having a quiet night in, lock your door and curl up with a book or a movie. I used to get really shy about taking time to be by myself and recharge but it is SO important. Don’t feel guilty for having to cancel on an event you said you would go to or a study date with a friend. Your mental health comes first. SELF-CARE SELF-CARE SELF-CARE ♥

Listening to yourself and taking the time you need to recharge is not only kinder to yourself, but also better for the people around you. If I’m at my limits of being around people, I get really anxious and irritable, I can’t focus as well, and I won’t be as productive. Do yourself and your friends and family a favour and get away when you need to.


Have any more tips? I would love love love to hear them. Drop a comment below or find me on Twitter @soniapGL!


Glendon’s Order of the Phoenix Presents: Yule Ball 2014

On November 21st, the Glendon Order of the Phoenix club held our annual Yule Ball. As this year’s VP Social, I had a hand in planning and setting up for the event so I thought I’d do a recap! I’m so pleased with how well everything went… Can I just rewind to that night?

The Yule Ball was held in the beautiful Glendon manor… you’ve probably seen it?

Glendon Manor picture

They do say that Glendon is like Hogwarts….

We started setting up in the manor around midday; hanging up beautifully-cut paper snowflakes, setting up centrepieces, stringing up Christmas ornaments… the usual fancy ball magic. We had floating candles on the windows, snow in the centrepieces and even Moaning Myrtle in the bathroom. Never let it be said that we do things halfway in this club.

The night began with a cocktail hour in which mocktails like Polyjuice Potion (much tastier at Glendon, I promise), Elixir of Life, Amortentia and Draught of Living Death were served. The two drinks that I tried were both delicious and it was nice to have something to sip on while waiting for dinner. Once everyone was seated inside, there was a round of trivia to decide which table got to eat first (our table won OF COURSE #HPtriviachamp).


Dinner was delicious: salad, garlic bread and shepherd’s pie with a variety of pastries and cookies for dessert. I had the vegan, gluten-free shepherd’s pie and it was just as good as I remembered it being from last year. What’s a ball without delicious food anyway?

After dinner, there was a chance to win some raffle prizes. There were so many cool things up for grabs — house mugs, a Lumos cross-stitch, canvasses with Harry Potter quotes and so much more. There was also a silent auction for a Potter Puppet Pals 2015 calendar with all proceeds going to the not-for-profit Harry Potter Alliance. In addition to the silent auction, a minimum of 50% of all ticket sales for the event went to the Harry Potter Alliance — to find out more about the kinds of projects the HP Alliance undertakes, you can check out their website.


After dinner, it was finally time to dance! I don’t know this started but, just like last year, a bunch of balloons were released into the dance floor, inspiring a giant icebreaker game of keep-ups. I’ve never quite played such an intense game before, with new rules being added and taken away at any given moment and people diving for balloons left, right and centre. I was laughing too hard to even see some of the balloons that came my way but, let me tell you, leaping for balloons is a GREAT way to disguise the fact that you can’t dance 😉


And when balloons fail, there’s always the signature Shopping Cart Move. Or the Sprinkler. Or the Robot. I had so much fun pulling out all my ridiculous dance moves and I loved that there were so many people to do them with me. I think the highlight of the dance for me was when the Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls and ABBA came on in about a ten minute period. There’s nothing better than dancing to old songs that everyone can shout the lyrics to.

I hope everyone that attended this year’s ball had an amazing time because I definitely did. I’m already looking forward to next year’s Yule Ball — maybe I’ll see you there 🙂

Thanks to Kelly and Vivian for the Yule Ball pictures used in this post!

Order of the Phoenix

In which the word ‘fun’ is unapologetically used ~300 times

At lunch today, some of my coworkers and I were talking about Harry Potter (as you do) and someone mentioned wanting to go to a Harry Potter trivia night. My response was obviously “come to Glendon!” (because shhh but Glendon is secretly Hogwarts)

lol jk, it is

I’m on the exec team (social/events coordinator) of the Order of the Phoenix, the Harry Potter club at Glendon. It’s definitely one of the most fun clubs I’m involved with and also surprisingly one of the most demanding. We do our best to put on lots of fun and unique events and it feels like we always have something going on. Here are some examples of things you Potterheads can expect!


We didn’t get to play as many games as we would have liked to last year but what we did play was lots of fun! I’m not athletic at all but there’s no way pretending you can fly on a broomstick and chasing after a ‘snitch’ isn’t a good time, especially with friends that are also just playing for fun. If you’re worried about people judging you for running around on a broomstick in the Glendon quad… don’t. You’re like 100x more likely to be given a high-five over a side eye for being a Harry Potter fan at Glendon.


CRAFT DAYS (wandmaking, t-shirt and tie decorating, etc.)

I know you want your own wand to duel with your friends and enemies and what better way to customize it than to make one of your very own?! If spells aren’t your thing (squibs and muggles are always welcome) you can use one of our many maaany stencils and spruce up all those boring plain shirts you have lying around with quotes or house symbols (BADGER PRIDE!!!!!!).


Okay, yes, the movies are nowhere near the quality of the books (I will duel anyone that says otherwise) but watching them with fellow Potterheads is SO MUCH FUN. There’s always lots of cheering, snarking and little known fact-sharing and it’s always nice to de-stress by kicking back with a movie.


Fun games, cool prizes, gorgeous setting, great music, an excuse to dress up AND a way to help charity?! Why would you NOT be attending the Yule Ball? I had such a great time at the Yule Ball last year and it was only our first year holding one. I can only imagine how amazing this year’s ball will be.

The 2013-2014 exec team all snazzed up for the Yule Ball

There were lots of other fun things going on in the Order of the Phoenix club so whether you’re interested in becoming a dedicated member or just popping by to an event or two, I hope you check it out! 🙂